About our company

We strive to provide suitable employment for our job seekers, according to the level of their expertise, education and work experience. For both jobseekers and cooperative members who perform the contractual obligations of the cooperative, we provide all the service to handle and fulfill the visa requirement and obtain a work permit. Furthermore, we are able to provide accommodation for these individuals, help increase and extend their qualifications, provide medical examinations, training on safety and health at work, or other statutory requirements, and, if necessary, also provide financial support.

We take full responsibility for our employees and we have an insurance contract against possible damage. All of our employees are covered by health and social insurance.

We carefully select from our database a suitable worker for the given job position, according to the requirements of the employer. All of our employees have the appropriate education (training in the given specialization) and several years of experience. Our endeavor is to further develop their existing qualifications and encourage the acquisition of further experience.

Personnel Agency, Temporary Workers, Employees

We are an international personnel agency that focuses on the search, selection and recruitment of workers originating from Central Europe, Eastern Europe and their subsequent application to the labor market in the Czech Republic.

Our HR agency is one of the most successful in the market.

Our specialty are agency workers and temporary workers from the European Union, with various occupations, such as manipulation workers and craftsmen. Our successful specialization are also temporary workers from all over the Czech Republic, agency staff from Slovakia, Poland and Ukraine.

As a staffing agency, we provide the following services:

  • Temporary help, agency workers
  • Outsourcing (realization of sub-assemblies based on a work contract)

Our Personnel Agency operates on the basis of a Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs permission.

We’ve got permit to mediate the work of agency workers from both EU and Eastern European countries.

We operate in all industrial branches.

Our credo is:

  • Quality service, reliability, equal approach and support for all of our customers, employees and employers.
  • Our longstanding successful experience and experience in human resources is the guarantee of your satisfaction and our professional approach to the assigned task.
  • We want to be a staff agency with the best background for our employees.

Our values are:

  • Group performance is the result of employee motivation and capability.
  • Employee's competence depends on many factors; that’s why we help each employee to open up their own potential, and we believe that each individual has the special abilities that need to be discovered.
  • Above all, it happens by engaging in work in the right job. We strive to create the best conditions for realizing the potential of each individual.

Our personnel agency’s primary goal is meeting this challenge.